NOTICE: Notice of Marin Municipal Water District’s Petition for Temporary Urgency Change for Water Right Permits 5633, 9390, and 18546

From the State Water Board:

On September 10, 2021, the Marin Municipal Water District (District) filed a petition for temporary urgency change (TUCP) for water right Permits 5633, 9390, and 18546 (Applications 9892, 14278, and 26242).  Pursuant to the District’s permits, water is diverted from the Lagunitas Creek stream system for municipal, domestic, fish and wildlife protection and enhancement, recreational, and incidental power generation purposes in Marin County.  

To view the public notice of the TUCP, please visit the Division of Water Rights website at:

On July 8, 2021, Governor Newsom declared a drought emergency for Marin County in response to the current dry conditions.  Consequently, the State Water Resources Control Board is expediting processing of the District’s TUCP consistent with the Governor’s declaration and is providing a 15-day notice period.  Objections filed in response to the public notice of the TUCP must be received by 4:30 pm on September 30, 2021. 

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