DAILY DIGEST, 9/9: Farm groups irked after canal bill pulled; Water Board amends order to allow Ukiah to send water to coastal cities; Eyes in the sky’ help police CA water use; Could supersonic sound waves fight CA wildfires?; and more … Maven Daily Digest September 9, 2021 980— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Draft California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program Guidelines from 9pm...
ESTUARY PEARLS: Water management and riparian forests; Primary production in the Delta; The “SmeltCam”; Predicting ecosystem change; Delta salinity; Dr. Ted Sommer retires Estuary News Group Delta scienceScience September 9, 2021 133This issue dives into current uncertainties and innovations in Estuary science and features research from the latest issue of San...