AG ALERT: Water managers discuss SGMA-related solutions Ag Alert News February 17, 2021By Christina Souza, Ag Alert During an annual irrigation conference, water managers, farmers and consultants described creative solutions they’re pursuing...
DAILY DIGEST, 2/17: Tentative order released for Poseidon water project; Labor, water dominate CA fruit growers’ concerns; Fight over Klamath dams goes to FERC; How an atlas of SF Bay is helping deal with sea level rise; and more … Maven Daily Digest February 17, 2021 793— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … The California Water Commission meets at 9:30am. Agenda items include the Commission’s 2021...
What is Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM)? Maven Notebook News and Features February 17, 2021 882Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) is an initiative led by the Department of Water Resources that seeks to support collaborative...