CA WELL STANDARDS: Updating Bulletin 74, California Well Standards: DWR Convenes Technical Advisory Committee for Update of Well Standards

From the Department of Water Resources:

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is convening an external Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to provide recommendations on the Bulletin 74 Update to support our project vision,  “Updated Well Standards that are enforceable, protective, and based on the current state of knowledge and best practices.”  

The TAC will meet from March 2021 to March 2022. We anticipate the Public Review Draft will be released in September 2022, followed by the Final Well Standards in December 2022.  

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) 

The TAC is made up of 67 committee members and seven alternates, representing a wide range of stakeholders. The TAC will meet in focus groups to provide input on specific well types and issue areas. DWR’s technical team will consider recommendations from the TAC when updating the standards.  

Please see the attached for the TAC member roster. 

Public Review  

Following the TAC process, DWR will release a Public Review Draft and hold public workshops to collect and consider public comments before finalizing the standards. DWR will submit the final standards to the State Water Resources Control Board for adoption into the Model Well Ordinance. Following submission, DWR will train well designers, installers, inspectors, and regulators in the updated standards. 

Engagement Opportunities 

You can get involved in the update of DWR Bulletin 74, California Well Standards in the following ways: 

Thank you for your interest in the updating of Bulletin 74, for more information visit the Well Standards webpage.

The Bulletin 74 Team : 


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