SAN JOAQUIN RIVER RESTORATION PROGRAM: Initial 2021 Restoration Allocation & Default Flow Schedule Released

From the San Joaquin River Restoration Program:

The Bureau of Reclamation has released an initial Restoration Allocation & Default Flow Schedule for the period March 1, 2021 through February 28, 2022.

Using the best available forecasting information for precipitation and runoff above Millerton Lake, Reclamation sets the initial allocation at 0 acre-feet (AF) as measured at Gravelly Ford. This corresponds to approximately 116,866 AF at Friant Dam including the expected Holding Contracts below Friant Dam. This is a “Critical-Low” Water Year Type and is based on a forecasted unimpaired inflow into Millerton of 296,000 AF using a 30/70 blending of the CA Department of Water Resources and National Weather Service runoff forecasts using the 90% exceedance forecast.

The Restoration Administrator for the Program will return a recommendation based on this allocation in the coming days. The current hydrologic trend indicates improving hydrologic conditions in the coming weeks. The Restoration Allocation will be revised several times this season as hydrologic conditions change. The Restoration Flow Guidelines provide detailed guidance on the allocation process. The next Restoration Allocation will be issued on or before February 18, 2021.

Until March 1, 2021, Restoration Flows will continue under the 2020 Restoration Allocation and associated Restoration Administrator Recommendations.

The Initial 2021 Restoration Allocation & Default Flow Schedule can be viewed here starting next week:

For Information about Restoration Flows, please visit  

For the Restoration Administrator recommendations, please visit
For additional information about the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, please visit or contact Josh Newcom, Public Affairs Specialist, at 916-978-5508 or

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