CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE: Watershed-level water accounting; Rethinking responses to food safety outbreaks in leafy greens; Reducing runoff with cover crops and mulch; and more …

California Agriculture is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal reporting research, reviews and news on California’s agricultural, natural and human resources.  The journal is published by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR). 

Peer-reviewed research and review articles

News and opinion

  • Hasty responses to foodborne illness outbreaks impact California growers, by Brooke Latack, Rebecca Ozeran: Four major foodborne illness outbreaks in 3 years have led to stricter requirements for leafy greens growers that may satisfy corporate buyers and reassure the public, but also highlight a serious need for more food safety research.
  • Research highlights, by Lucien Crowder: Recent articles from the Agricultural Experiment Station campuses and UC ANR’s county offices, institutes and research and extension centers.
  • Natural history for all Californians, by Editors: The California Naturalist program, which links the state’s residents with their natural surroundings, is making strides toward addressing its diversity challenges.

Click here to access all articles in this issue of California Agriculture.

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