ESTUARY NEWS: Nearing the finish line for invasive spartina eradication efforts; Concerns over Camp Fire runoff into Butte Creek; What Wade Crowfoot thinks about floodplains; How the state plans to better align water management sectors; and more …

Inside the September edition of ESTUARY News: Nearing the finish line of a 10-year marathon in invasive spartina eradication efforts. Concerns about contaminated Camp Fire runoff into Butte Creek, and resulting Chinook salmon survival. Adventures on the Northern half of Bay Trail – a group of women tackle the trail every Sunday for two years, and hope to complete by 2021. Why basking sharks are so hard to find in the vast Pacific. What Wade Crowfoot thinks about floodplains, and the … Continue reading ESTUARY NEWS: Nearing the finish line for invasive spartina eradication efforts; Concerns over Camp Fire runoff into Butte Creek; What Wade Crowfoot thinks about floodplains; How the state plans to better align water management sectors; and more …