CALIFORNIA WATER FIX: Ruling letter on Rebuttal Testimony and Outstanding Subpoenas

From the California Water Fix Hearing Team, the latest ruling letter on the California Water Fix hearing for the change in point of diversion:

This ruling addresses testimony that is partly or wholly outside the scope of Part 2 rebuttal, as well as subpoenas served by San Joaquin Tributaries Authority (SJTA) and a notice to appear served by Deirdre Des Jardins.

This ruling does not preclude parties from raising oral objections during the hearing to the
admissibility of Part 2 rebuttal exhibits, including written testimony. Any such objections should be consistent with the reasoning provided in this ruling. Objections to the admissibility of rebuttal exhibits must be made at or before the time when the exhibits are moved into evidence.

For the sake of efficiency, we ask that parties lodging any objections to the admissibility of
rebuttal testimony make every effort to do so before the witness in question begins presenting his or her testimony. As a reminder, objections that go to the weight of the evidence should be reserved for closing briefs.

To read the ruling letter, click here:  20180727_cwf_ruling


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