From the Department of Water Resources, Sustainable Groundwater Management Program:
SGMA Assistance Workshops – Presentation and Webinar Recording Online
On April 27, 2018, DWR hosted a Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Assistance webinar. The webinar featured program updates as well as important information about new tools and resources available to Groundwater Sustainability Agencies and local agencies developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
New resources and datasets discussed include:
- Natural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater Dataset – a compilation of 48 publicly available state and federal agency datasets that map vegetation, wetlands, springs, and seeps in California
- Draft Climate Change dataset and Guidance Document – the dataset and guidance document provide information regarding climate change for GSP development
- SGMA Data Viewer – provides access to groundwater related datasets that are organized by the requirements of SGMA and GSP regulations
- Updated Modeling information –information about DWR’s integrated hydrologic modeling code and applications
- Technical Support Services – learn how to apply for these services to help fill data gaps, develop monitoring networks, and build capacity for sustainability
- Facilitation Support Services – learn about services to help foster discussions among diverse water management interests and local agencies
In case you missed it, check out a recording of the webinar and the presentation online at
California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Portal
The CNRA Open Data Platform has been developed to provide access to important data to citizens, agencies, and interested stakeholders. The Open Data Portal publishes data collected by the state and is provided in a format that is easy to search, download, and combine with other datasets from other sources. Data and datasets found on the portal can also be used for the development of GSPs.
Popular datasets found in the portal include: continuous groundwater level measurements, well completion reports, periodic groundwater level measurements, and water quality data.
Access the portal and find out more at
Technical Support Services to Aid GSP Development Available
Technical Support Services (TSS) are new comprehensive services being offered by DWR to support local planning and provide technical assistance for developing GSPs. These services can help with groundwater level monitoring, fill data gaps, and develop monitoring networks. Applications for services will be evaluated on a continuous basis and need to be submitted through the online application system.
Services include:
- Monitoring Well Installation
- Geophysical logging
- Geologic logging
- Groundwater Level Monitoring Training
- Borehole/Well Video Logging
- Modeling Support and Training
- And other Field Activities
See the TSS Factsheet for more information on how to apply for TSS at:
TSS information can also be found online under Programs >Groundwater Management > SGMA Groundwater Management > SGMA Facilitation & Technical Support Services
Facilitation Support Services to support GSP Development Available
DWR is continuing to offer Facilitation Support Services (FSS) to GSAs to help with the active involvement of diverse social, cultural and economic interests.
Services include:
- Stakeholder identification and engagement
- Public outreach facilitation
- GSA meeting facilitation
- Consensus building
GSAs developing GSPs, or other groups coordinating with GSAs in developing GSPs are eligible to apply for this service.
Access the online application at
For more information or help starting a FSS application, contact DWR’s regional office coordinators at .
FSS information can be found online under Programs >Groundwater Management > SGMA Groundwater Management > SGMA Facilitation & Technical Support Services
SGMA Materials Available in Spanish
Stakeholder outreach and engagement is a crucial element of GSA and GSP development and it is important to connect with a wide variety of communities throughout California. DWR recognizes that many local agencies have been engaging with Spanish-speaking communities and additional information about the implementation of SGMA is needed. Now available on our website are links to two SGMA brochures translated in Spanish:
- The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act:—Spanish-Version.pdf
- Domestic Well Users and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act:—Spanish-Version.PDF
DWR is in the process of having additional materials translated and will make the materials available on our Assistance and Engagement webpage at
Fall 2017 Groundwater Level Data Summary Online
In this biannual summary, DWR presents fall 2017 groundwater level data available in the DWR groundwater level database as of February 21, 2018, and includes a discussion of fall 2017 data coverage and groundwater level trends. The report shows that while groundwater levels rose due to the record setting precipitation of 2017, groundwater levels have not returned to pre-drought 2011 levels.
Read the summary here:
The Spring 2017 Groundwater Level Data Summary is also available online at
Previous estimates of groundwater overdraft in California suggested that California’s aquifers statewide were being overdrafted between 1 million acre-feet (maf) and 2 maf per year; based on the results of the DWR change in groundwater storage tool, the reduction in groundwater in storage within the reporting area of the Central Valley is estimated to be between 1.1 maf and 2.6 maf per year between spring 2005 and spring 2010.
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