ANNOUNCEMENT: California Department of Fish and Wildlife Finds Proposed Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvements Project is Consistent with Delta Plan

January 10 certification opens a 30-day public review period

From the Delta Stewardship Council:

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has submitted a certification of consistency for a proposed Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) Habitat and Drainage Improves project.


The project is located along the northernmost boundary of the Legal Delta, in the YBWA, and includes five major components to enhance CDFW’s ability to manage wetland resources and agricultural operations within YBWA. Specific project components include installing new water control structures, expanding canals, installing box culverts and two bridges, replacing existing culverts, raising road grades, separating dual function ditches, relocating an existing water pump, and installing two new pumps.

You will find the certification here and more about the Council’s Covered Actions process here.

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