DR. PETER MOYLE & DR JASON BAUMSTEIGER: Assessing extinction in freshwater fishes Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features September 29, 2016 542Drs. Moyle and Baumsteiger lay out a proposal for determining when to declare a species extinct The extinction of a...
PANEL DISCUSSION: Water agency officials discuss the California Water Fix Maven Notebook News and Features September 28, 2016 592Can the conflict over the Delta tunnels be solved? Officials from Northern, Central, and Southern California discuss the tunnels and...
CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION: September update on the Water Storage Investment Program Maven Notebook News and Features September 28, 2016 263Public comment period closes on October 3rd; Another round of public comment expected At the California Water Commission’s September 16th...
GUEST COMMENTARY: New proposed instream flows: Are these supportable by a changing upstream hydrologic regime…? Robert Shibatani Commentary September 28, 2016 325Guest commentary written by Robert Shibatani In the often volatile arena that is California water, the focus on river flows...
California Water Fix hearings: Motion filed to exclude Westlands testimony from the hearing Maven Press Release/Other September 22, 2016 428Westlands submitted case-in-chief is irrelevant to Part 1B of the hearing, Protestants say As the California Water Fix hearings resume...
ANNE CASTLE: Our worn out water security blankets Maven Notebook News and Features September 21, 2016 887The Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the U.S. Department of the Interior cautions we can no longer rely...
This just in … State Water Board Releases Draft Flow Objectives for San Joaquin River; Salinity Objectives for the Southern Delta State Water Board Agency News September 15, 2016 1126From the State Water Resources Control Board: The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) staff today released a...
Getting to the Bottom of It: An Overview of the Environmental Monitoring Program’s Benthic Monitoring in the Delta Maven Delta science September 15, 2016 577DWR’s Dr. Betsy Wells takes a look at the creatures that live on the bottom of the Delta Creating a...
This just in … Californians for Water Security Statement in Response to Release of ‘Outdated’ Draft Economic Analysis Californians for Water Security Press Release/Other September 14, 2016 616This just in from Californians for Water Security: Today, Californians for Water Security issued the following statement in response to...
Israel-California Water Conference: California agriculture panel discussion Maven Notebook News and Features September 14, 2016 482Officials discuss drought, regulations, technology, and the future of California agriculture Over the past several decades, Israel had made large...
Israel-California Water Conference: The challenge of thinking one drop ahead Maven Notebook News and Features September 13, 2016 834State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus and Israeli Water Authority Senior Deputy Director Tamar Shor discuss water management in California...
Alternative monitoring approaches for large Bay-Delta estuarine wetland restoration projects Maven Notebook News and Features September 8, 2016 520Adapting to uncertainty or novelty during accelerated climate change In recent years, many tidal wetland restoration projects have become larger...
How the San Francisco Bay Regional Monitoring Program integrates research and monitoring of mercury and methylmercury Maven Delta science September 1, 2016 292Dr. Jay Davis highlights studies to determine where the greatest potential exists to address methylmercury in the San Francisco Bay...