Secretary Laird, legislators, and organizations react to Senator Feinstein’s introduction of the California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2015 Maven Press Release/Other July 31, 2015 406On Wednesday, Senators Feinstein and Boxer introduced the California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2015. Here are reactions from elected...
Adapting to sea level rise and climate change in the San Francisco Bay Area: What can we do? Maven Notebook News and FeaturesScience July 31, 2015 983Dr. Letitia Grenier and Jeremy Lowe discuss current projects underway to address adapting the San Francisco Bay’s shoreline for sea...
NASA/JPL: California ‘rain debt’ equal to average full year of precipitation NASA/JPL News July 30, 2015A new NASA study has concluded California accumulated a debt of about 20 inches of precipitation between 2012 and 2015....
This just in … California Water Use Drops 27.3 Percent, Exceeds 25 Percent Mandate for June State Water Board Agency News July 30, 2015 301From the State Water Resources Control Board: With record-breaking heat throughout much of the State in June, Californians continued to...
Landscape-scale planning for ecological resilience in the Bay and Delta Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 30, 2015 363Senior Scientist Robin Grossinger discusses the latest research working to develop tools and to understand how to build landscapes resilient...
Latest PPIC survey finds majority of Californians say global warming contributing to drought, admit they don’t know how much water they should be saving Maven Press Release/Other July 29, 2015 67From the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC): A solid majority of Californians believe that global warming is already having...
This just in … Feinstein, Boxer Introduce California Emergency Drought Relief Act Legislator/Elected Official Press Release/Other July 29, 2015 1010From the office of Senator Dianne Fienstein: “Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (both D-Calif.) today introduced the California Emergency...
This just in … Reclamation Transmits to Congress Final Report on Proposed Shasta Dam Raise Bureau of Reclamation News Press Release/Other July 29, 2015 348From the Bureau of Reclamation: The Bureau of Reclamation transmitted to Congress today the Final Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact...
Tidal marshes: Adapting to sea level rise, carbon sequestration Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 29, 2015 871Dr. Jim Morris on the mechanisms of how tidal marshes keep pace with sea level rise, and Dr. John Callaway...
Projecting inundation in the San Francisco Bay: Sea level and tides Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 28, 2015 1069UC Berkeley’s Dr. Mark Stacey with the latest research on the impacts of sea level rise on the Bay Area...
Climate change and the Delta: What do we know about climate driven variability of the Bay-Delta ecosystem? Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 27, 2015 637Dr. Jim Cloern briefly reviews what we know and what we don’t know about how climate change will impact the...
Water Rate Making after Capistrano Taxpayers Association v. San Juan Capistrano Maven Notebook News and Features July 23, 2015 1506Attorneys Michael Colantuono, Kelly Salt, and John Bakker discuss the decision and its implication for water conservation pricing in California With the...
This just in … CSPA files complaint, says State Water Board, Reclamation, and DWR are violating the Bay Delta Plan, D1641 requirements, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and more … CA Sportfishing Protection Alliance Press Release/Other July 22, 2015 750The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has filed a complaint with the State Water Board alleging the State Water Board...
Media call: State Water Board officials discuss recent enforcement actions Maven Notebook News and Features July 20, 2015 483Earlier today, State Water Board officials held a media call to discuss the recent water right enforcement actions, and to...
This just in … Byron-Bethany Irrigation District Served with Draft Administrative Civil Liability, $1.5 Million Penalty State Water Board Agency News July 20, 2015 790From the State Water Resources Control Board: “ The State Water Resources Control Board today issued a draft Administrative Civil...