The Temporary Urgency Change Petition, the emergency drought barrier, and water right curtailments to be discussed
The activities of the State Water Resources Control Board in the Bay-Delta will be the focus of an informational workshop to be held on Wednesday beginning at 9am.
The morning session will focus on the Temporary Urgency Change Petition (TUCP) filed by the DWR and the Bureau of Reclamation to change water right conditions requiring the water projects to meet Bay-Delta flow and water quality objectives and other operations. First, State Water Board staff will give a brief introductory presentation, followed by a presentation by DWR and Reclamation on the current hydrology and water project operations during the drought, including discussions of project operations, planned transfers and the temporary barrier. Federal and state fish agencies will next provide a presentation on fish and wildlife conditions in the Bay-Delta, followed by comments from the Department of Food and Agriculture. The State Water Board will then hear from panels and individual commenters.
The second session of the workshop will begin no sooner than 1 pm, and will focus on water right curtailments. It will begin with a brief introductory presentation by State Water Board staff followed by panel presentations and individual comments.
The State Water Board requests that in the interest of time, those that wish to speak on both session topics should present their comments together during either session rather than planning to present at both sessions.
The workshop will begin at 9am on Wednesday, May 20. The workshop will be webcast. Click here for the meeting notice.
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