Dr. David Sunding and Josue Medellin-Azuara on the economics of drought Maven Notebook News and Features October 31, 2014 595At the San Gabriel Valley Water Forum held at the beginning of October in Pomona, Dr. David Sunding gave a...
This just in … DWR releases the initial volumes and highlights of the California Water Plan Maven Press Release/Other October 30, 2014 458From the California Department of Water Resources: The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) today released the Highlights booklet and...
California Water Commission: A progress report on DWR’s System Reoperation Study Maven Notebook News and Features October 30, 2014 1208At the October meeting of the California Water Commission, Ajay Goyal, Chief of the Department of Water Resources Surface Storage...
The Connections, Resiliency, and Management of Flows in the Delta Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceScience October 29, 2014 419At the end of September, the Friends of the San Francisco Estuary held a conference titled “Bay + Delta +...
A Delta Transformed: New San Francisco Estuary Institute Report Reveals Dramatic Changes to Delta Ecosystem Maven Press Release/Other October 29, 2014 276From the Department of Fish and Wildlife: A recent study produced by the San Francisco Estuary Institute-Aquatic Science Center and...
California Water Plan, Update 2013: The California Water Commission receives a preview of the soon-to-be-released plan Maven Notebook News and Features October 28, 2014 998At the October meeting of the California Water Commission, commission members heard an update on the soon-to-be-released update of the...
California Water Commission hears an update on DWR’s activities to address the drought Maven Notebook News and Features October 27, 2014 477At the October meeting of the California Water Commission, Department of Water Resources Drought Manager Bill Croyle updated the Commission...
California Weather Blog: Early-season storm for NorCal this weekend; extraordinary drought continues, but pattern different from last year Maven Press Release/Other October 25, 2014 374From the California Weather Blog: “This will be a rather brief update, and will focus on the projected arrival of...
Fish Restoration Program Update: Prospect Island, Miner Slough levee repair, restoration monitoring and more … Maven Press Release/Other October 24, 2014 253The Fish Restoration Program (FRP) updates are issued by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department...
Director Chuck Bonham on the response of the Department of Fish and Wildlife to the exceptional drought conditions Maven Notebook News and Features October 22, 2014 828At the October meeting of the California Water Commission, Chuck Bonham, Director of the Calfiornia Department of Fish and Wildlife,...
In his own words … Governor Brown talks water at Stanford conference: “This is not something for a flash in the pan; this is not for a one term Governor; this is really the work of a four-term governor” Maven Notebook News and Features October 21, 2014 980Yesterday,the Hamilton Project and the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment held a conference at Stanford titled, New Directions for...
Delta Conservancy September Board Meeting: Wildlife Friendly Agricultural Practices in the Delta, preparing for the water bond, and more … Maven Notebook News and Features October 16, 2014 230On September 24th, the Board of Directors of the Delta Conservancy held their quarterly meeting. On the agenda, a presentation...
Urban water conservation programs: How effective are they? Maven Notebook News and Features October 15, 2014 894As the exceptionally dry conditions continue, the Governor and agency officials plead for water users to conserve, and water agencies...
Radio show transcript: Michael Jackson, water rights lawyer, on California’s water history, the twin tunnels, and how this affects Northern California groundwater Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features October 14, 2014 582Jim Brobeck, water policy analyst for AquAlliance, interviewed water rights attorney Michael Jackson for a radio show which broadcast on...
California Weather Blog: Shift to more unsettled weather pattern across Northern California, but no major rain events on horizon Maven Press Release/Other October 14, 2014 109From Daniel Swain at the California Weather Blog: “Warm, dry, and occasionally windy conditions have been the rule across most...