Early morning news flash … Request for Temporary Modification to San Joaquin River Flows during October State Water Board Agency News September 30, 2014 316From the State Water Resources Control Board: “Please find attached a request from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to temporarily...
Capitol Weekly: DWR: Progress on the tunnels Maven Notebook News and Features September 30, 2014 193From yours truly at Capitol Weekly: “California’s top water official told a key gathering of south state water representatives that...
Director Mark Cowin updates Metropolitan’s Bay Delta Committee on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and addresses EPA’s comments, plus Randy Fiorini of the Delta Stewardship Council on the Council’s five priorities Maven Notebook News and Features September 29, 2014 939The latest information on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan took center stage at the September 23rd meeting of Metropolitan Water...
California Weather Blog: Special update: The Extraordinary California Drought of 2013-2014: Character, Context, and the Role of Climate Change Maven Press Release/Other September 29, 2014 458From Daniel Swain at the California Weather Blog: “This special update is a little different from what I typically post...
Jerry Meral and Jonas Minton debate the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Notebook News and Features September 26, 2014 877At the September 18th meeting of the Harry S. Truman Democratic Club in Sacramento, the program featured former Deputy Secretary...
Delta smelt, Alameda song sparrows, and the climate change vulnerability of Bay Area’s freshwater fish species in the latest issue of the San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science journal Maven Delta science September 25, 2014 161In this issue of the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science: Diet, Prey Selection, and Body Condition of Age-0 Delta...
Groundwater pumping and subsidence in the Central Valley Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features September 24, 2014 12207It’s been called the largest alteration of the earth’s surface. In the San Joaquin Valley, since the 1920s, farmers have...
California Weather Blog: Some September rain for parts of Northern California, but no sign of a wet fall Maven Press Release/Other September 23, 2014 182From the California Weather Blog: A fairly deep trough (for this time of year) is currently approaching California from the...
Groundwater and surface water interactions under water shortage Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features September 17, 2014 2719The exceptionally dry conditions along with the recent passage of groundwater legislation has focused the state’s attention on its groundwater...
This just in … Reclamation Releases Additional Water to Address Fish Health in Lower Klamath River Bureau of Reclamation News Agency News September 16, 2014 301From the Bureau of Reclamation: In response to the discovery of a parasite infection in Chinook salmon in the lower...
Legislators and interest groups respond to Governor Brown’s signing of groundwater legislation Maven Press Release/Other September 16, 2014 1379Legislators and interest groups are responding to Governor Brown’s signing of groundwater legislation today. (Click here for the governor’s press...
This just in … Governor signs groundwater legislation Governor Jerry Brown Press Release/Other September 16, 2014 576From the Office of the Governor: Putting California communities on a path to become more resilient to water shortages, Governor...
State Water Board looking for recommendations on improving the enforcement of water rights during drought conditions Maven Press Release/Other September 11, 2014 210Do you have ideas on how the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) could more effectively divvy up...
Update on urban water conservation numbers: State reduces water use overall by 7.5% in July, saving 17 billion gallons of water Maven Notebook News and Features September 10, 2014 237At the September 9 meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), Max Gomberg gave a presentation...
Wildfire and droughts in Sierra Nevada forests Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features September 10, 2014 847With much of the state’s water supply originating in the mountains as precipitation on the forested landscape, the health of...