Update on Assembly water bond efforts

From Alf Brandt at Assemblyman Anthony Rendon’s office, this update on the Assembly’s water bond efforts:

“The last week has seen many developments with AB 1331 (Rendon) and the Assembly’s water bond efforts.

Requests for Last Week’s Amendments.  On March 5, Assemblymember Rendon amended his AB 1331 to increase the amount of funding available for water storage (surface and groundwater) and to respond to requests on several issues.  The requests, from legislators and stakeholders, now can be found on the Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee’s water bond webpage: http://awpw.assembly.ca.gov/waterbond

105 Days to “Aquapocalypse.”  The deadline to pass a water bond that would replace the $11.14 billion bond now on the November ballot is June 26, 2014.  We now have labeled that date as the start of “Aquapocalypse,” when the current water bond will start down the road to defeat.  We have started the countdown clock, and you can see the number of days left until Aquapocalypse on our front door at Room 2136 of the Capitol.  The posting includes a backside that describes the importance of passing AB 1331.  We invite others to join in the countdown by posting the sheet on their doors.  We will send you the posting sheet, which you can change each day.

Water Bond Hearing in Monterey Park.  Tomorrow, Assemblymember Rendon will host a Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee hearing in the Monterey Park City Council Chambers.  For your information,the agenda (with the address) and the background paper, which includes a summary of the issues addressed in the current version of AB 1331 are here:  SGV Agenda,  SGV Background

AB 1331 in SNRW on March 25.  Final preparations for the March 25 hearing are underway, with deadlines for amendments and letters of support next week.  Hope we can count on you to support AB 1331 in Senate Natural Resources & Water Committee.”

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