This just in … DWR experimental winter outlook for Water Year 2014 sees mostly dry conditions for California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News November 27, 2013 117From the Department of Water Resources, this press release: As part of ongoing work to develop seasonal water supply forecasting...
Climate change research and California’s water resources Maven Notebook News and Features November 27, 2013 427At the National Water Research Institute’s Drought Response Workshop held in October of this year, Department of Water Resources climatologist...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, part 2: American Rivers John Cain and The Nature Conservancy’s Leo Winternitz discuss the BDCP Maven Notebook News and Features November 26, 2013 641So what does the environmental community think of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan? In order to understand the details of...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, part 3: Russell van Loben Sels gives the in-Delta perspective on the BDCP Maven Notebook News and Features November 26, 2013 378What do those that live and farm in the Delta think of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan? Is there a...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, Part 1: DFW’s Carl Wilcox Maven Notebook News and Features November 25, 2013 558As a large water supplier dependent on Delta water for a large portion of its water supplies, the Santa Clara...
Jerry Meral makes a case for the BDCP to the Redding City Council, and speaks to Northern California concerns Maven Notebook News and Features November 25, 2013 444At their request, the Redding City Council heard a presentation by Dr. Jerry Meral, Deputy Director of the California Natural...
Letter: SoCal legislators write Governor & Secretary Jewell, expressing support for BDCP and urging to ‘stay the course’ Maven Notebook News and Features November 25, 2013 117Southern California state legislators have sent a letter to Governor Brown and Secretary Jewell, expressing their support for the Bay...
In her own words: USGS hydrologist discusses subsidence in the Central Valley Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 22, 2013 6188Groundwater withdrawals in the Central Valley have caused a 1200-square mile subsidence bowl that is affecting water conveyance and flood...
Lloyd Carter: Westlands officials ponder big buy-in on Bay Delta Conservation Plan Guest Contributor Commentary November 22, 2013 267From Lloyd Carter at the Chronicles of the Hydraulic Brotherhood blog: “Westlands Water District directors Wednesday (Nov. 21) hosted a...
Fall Midwater Trawl Report for September-October: Second lowest counts for striped bass, American shad; third lowest for threadfin shad Maven Notebook News and Features November 21, 2013 126The Fall Midwater Trawl surveys, conducted in September and October, did not have positive results for the fish. It was...
Phil Isenberg on the USGS Report: “Cutbacks in surface water deliveries because of drought or environmental concerns cannot sustainably be replaced or exceeded by continual groundwater extractions” Maven Notebook News and Features November 21, 2013 261Phil Isenberg, Chair of the Delta Stewardship Council, issued the following statement regarding the release of the USGS’s latest report...
Press release: New USGS study: Renewed land subsidence poses risk to water infrastructure in California’s San Joaquin Valley Maven Press Release/Other November 21, 2013 239From USGS: “Extensive groundwater pumping from San Joaquin Valley aquifers is increasing the rate of land subsidence, or sinking. This...
Maven’s Minutes: Jay Lund on managing Delta ecosystem reconciliation adaptively Maven Best of the Notebook November 21, 2013 299At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, Professor Jay Lund from UC Davis Watershed...
Water interests respond to the 5% initial State Water Project allocation Maven Press Release/Other November 21, 2013 330The State Water Contractors, ACWA, the State Water Contractors, the California Farm Water Coalition, and the Southern California Water Committee...
Ellen Hanak on scientists and stakeholder views of Delta ecosystem management Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 20, 2013 346At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, Ellen Hanak gave a presentation that summarized...