Policy, politics & public opinion: What does it take to craft and pass a successful water bond? Maven Notebook News and Features October 30, 2013 467With the grim reaper of legislation sure to be visiting the $11.14 billion water bond early in 2014 to officially...
Kate Poole: Moving Water in California: God, Gravity, and Lawyers Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features October 30, 2013 441This second in a three-part series of profiles written especially for Maven’s Notebook by Emily DeMarco that takes a look...
Delta Stewardship Council receives a briefing on financing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Notebook News and Features October 29, 2013 404At their October 24 meeting, the Delta Stewardship Council heard a briefing from Department of Water Resources Laura King Moon...
Formal Public Review of the BDCP and EIR/EIS to begin December 13, 2013 Maven Press Release/Other October 29, 2013 85From the Bay Delta Conservation Plan website: “As a joint effort of state and federal agencies preparing the BDCP, the...
Website note: Maven’s on the road, but plenty of content headed your way Maven Press Release/Other October 28, 2013 48I am on the road this morning, headed to the Bay Area to attend the State of the Estuary conference....
California Water Plan releases draft regional reports for public review Maven Press Release/Other October 23, 2013 204The release of the public review draft of the California Water Plan is complete today with the posting of the...
Melinda Terry: Listening to the Delta Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features October 23, 2013 407This is the first of a three-part series of posts written especially for Maven’s Notebook by Emily DeMarco that will...
New resource page: The PPIC Seminar: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta Maven Press Release/Other October 22, 2013 131In April of 2013, the Public Policy Institute of California released the report, Stress Relief: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta,...
Melinda Terry’s presentation to the North Delta Water Agency: “BDCP’s conditional mitigation – Is it enough?” Maven Notebook News and Features October 21, 2013 675The North Delta Water Agency sits in the cross-hairs of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP); with all of the...
Santa Clara Valley Water District workshop: A statewide perspective on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Notebook News and Features October 21, 2013 694On October 11, the Santa Clara Valley Water District held a workshop on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, which featured...
Special edition of San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science Journal features 9 essays on science, policy, and the Delta Maven Delta science October 17, 2013 361Volume 11, Issue 2 of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is now available online. This is a special issue...
California Water Plan releases Volume 3, Resource Management Strategies; Urban water use efficiency and recycled water identified as best options for increasing available water supplies Maven Press Release/Other October 16, 2013 266When it comes to options to increase our available water supplies, urban water use efficiency and recycled water together have...
Proposed final draft of the Delta Science Plan now posted Maven Delta science October 16, 2013 175The proposed final draft of the Delta Science Plan is now posted and available at the Delta Stewardship Council website....
Delta Watermaster presents report on California’s Area of Origin laws to State Water Board Maven Notebook News and Features October 11, 2013 714One of the statutory responsibilities of the Delta Watermaster is to present reports to the State Water Resources Control Board...
State Water Board begins development of a groundwater workplan Maven Press Release/Other October 9, 2013 348Population growth and more intensive land use are projected to place increasing pressure on California’s water resources while at the...